

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm Sick

Hey guys, updates will be slow until I'm not sick anymore.
Very sorry for the inconvienence


DestinyRuiz said...

feel better!

btw that photo is heartbreaking!

imludawitzky15 said...

get well soon!

Anonymous said...

Die Bitch die!!!

-BritneyFan- said...

@ Anonymous: Wow... never thought I would get death threats....

@DestinyRuiz Thank you, and ikr! My heart broke into a million pieces when I saw it.

@imludawitzky15 Thank you very much :)

DestinyRuiz said...

You know you've arrived when people start sending death threats :P

Anonymous said...

Get well soon! =D
BTW I'm sorry about that other post (not in this but in the If U Seek Amy one)I was being pretty rude I was just having an off day =P

Anonymous said...

JK about the death threaths get well soon :)

Anonymous said...

get better. ♥

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